Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Day 8: Equity Issues

I think that it's a real shame that there is still a digital divide for minority students. It seems to me that there must be a way that we can begin to include everyone in the great technology boom that we are currently experiencing. This problem is compounded by the fact that many students from diverse backgrounds attend schools that are in lower economic bracket ad therefore they do not have the resources to teach teachers to use technology nor buy devices that can be used in the classroom. What's even sadder is that many of these types of schools fail to make AYP and do not receive federal funds to purchase simple things like textbooks. So, how can we as teachers change the system to support ALL students and provide them with some experience working with technology? We are going to have to teach our administrators, teachers, parents, and anyone else who will listen the real values of teaching with technology

1 comment:

Lydia Horstman said...

I agree completely. It is difficult to do as we are trained when the administration or district place barriers to make it difficult. My district has been great at providing technology, but filter and block blogging sites. I don't understand that!!!