Saturday, June 7, 2008

Day 6: The CyberPilot's License: A Modest Proposal for Educational Curricula

I thought it was interesting how the author argued for an AUP that students and parents could easily understand. I agreed that AUP's can be very impersonal and many of them that I have seen read like a 5 page court document that was created by a slew of trial attorneys. I also thought that it was interesting when he spoke of an implicit curriculum that makes students follow each and every demand the teacher has. He was written and this it made me think that I was a little to hard on my students, sometimes. Maybe I should take the time to let me speak about what’s on their minds. Maybe I should set aside a little time during the beginning of the day when students can get together and talk openly about whatever they want to. Maybe I should do a lot of things. If I only had more time...


Lydia Horstman said...

Many of wish we had more time. I completely understand. After taking this class, I had many "I should do this, I should do that!" Did I do them all? No. But I did do as much as I could. That is all we can do. Little by little we are making change.

Mrs. McFeely said...

We try to write our classroom rules in student language. Wouldn't it make sense to write our technology use rules in student language as well? Perhaps we should get student input when creating a classroom AUP. If they buy into it, they will abide by it.